

abbr. official 官方的,正式的;


  • The average resistant rates for respective antibiotics were Ofl ( 87.4 % ), Ery ( 59.2 % ) , Cip ( 39.0 % ) , Azi ( 17.2 % ), Tet ( 13.6 % ), Cla ( 7.8 % ), Dox ( 6.1 % ), Jos ( 1.6 % ) and PRI ( 0.6 % ).
    各抗生素平均耐药率由高向低依次为:氧氟沙星 ( Ofl)87.4%,红霉素 ( Ery ) 59.2%, 环丙沙星 ( Cip ) 39.0%, 阿奇霉素 ( Azi ) 17.2%, 四环素 ( Tet) 13.6%, 克拉霉素 ( Cla ) 7.8%, 强力霉素 ( Dox ) 6.1%, 交沙霉素 ( Jos ) 1.6% 和原始霉素 ( PRI)0.6%.
  • The susceptibility rates of PRI , DOX, JOS , TET , ERY and OFL were 99.4 %, 91.5 %, 89.7 %, 80.0 %, 49.7 % and 25.5 %, respectively.
    药敏结果显示:敏感率原始霉素99.4% 、 强力霉素91.5% 、 交沙霉素89.7% 、 四环素80.0% 、 红霉素49.7% 、 氧氟沙星25.5%.
  • Appliance of hydraulic ofl cylinder in processing causes lower noise.