

abbr. Order of the Eastern Star (天主教)东星会;


  • Dyma'ch cyfle chi i deithio nol i Oes y Cerrig, crwydro ar hyd stryd Edwardaidd a dweud wrth bawb am eich hanes chi.
  • With multi - lingual search capability , OES can deal with double bytes as well as single bytes contents.
    支持多语种的搜寻, OES象单字节一样好地能够处理两字节.
  • A method has been proposed for determination of Bi, Se, Te in high - purity pentoxide by HG - ICP - OES.
    提出了氢化发生电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(HG -ICP-OES )测定高纯氧化铌中铋 、 硒 、 碲的分析方法.
  • OES an industry leader with in - process quality monitoring technologies for wire crimping and processing.
    加拿大OES有限公司 在线 束压接过程中的质量监控技术具有行业领先地位.
  • Synau 'Stalwm Profwch fywyd ar stryd yn yr Oes Edwardaidd.
  • Bydd dau blentyn yn eich tywys drwy'r tasgau ac yn dweud wrthoch chi am fywyd yn Oes y Cerrig.