
normalized ['nɔ:məlaɪzd]

v. (尤指国家间的关系)(使)正常化,恢复友好状态( normalize的过去式和过去分词 );


  • This snapshot function is usually represented by the pair - distribution function g ( r ) when suitably normalized.
    这个瞬时函数经过适当的归一通常可以表示为偶分布函数g ( r ).
  • If desired, the perturbed wave function may be normalized at the end of the calculation.
    当需要时, 可在计算最后将微拢波函数归一化.
  • In March, normalized P ratio dropped toward 13, its lowest since 1986.
    今年3月, 希勒的正常化市盈率降到了13倍, 是1986年以来的最低水平.
  • The relationship between the U.S.S.R. and the Western powers cannot be normalized...until...there is a change in Soviet values.
  • The U.S., he said, promised normalized trade at one point but didn't follow through.