
nonsteroidal ['nɒnstərɔɪdl]

adj. 非甾类化合物的,非类固醇的;


  • Tolectin is the trade name for this nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drug.
    托美汀是一种非固醇 抗炎 药的商标名.
  • Orudis and Oruvail are trademarks of brands of this nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drug.
    Orudis和Oruvail是非固醇 抗炎 药物的商标.
  • Cataflam is the trade name of this nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drug.
    Cataflam是非固醇 抗炎 药的一种商标名称.
  • That's important because many older retinopathy patients regularly take aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen offer relief to some patients.