
nab [næb]

vt. 捉住,逮住; 逮捕; 抢夺;
过去式:: nabbed 过去分词:: nabbed 现在分词:: nabbing 第三人称单数:: nabs


  • Crumbs!...I thought he was going to nab us.
    来自R. Crompton
  • Xing was there too. He ordered his men : " Nab him.
    兴旺也来了, 下命令道: “ 捉住捉住!
  • " Nab, anybody can lose a tail when they really want to.
    “ 没有用, 随便什么人只要打定主意都可以甩掉尾巴.
  • She mustn't push him too hard, for he certainly hadn't been so easy to nab!
    她不能太逼紧了, 找这么个大东西不是件很容易的事.
  • "We will do our best to nab him," he said.
  • Even those who manage to nab TouchPads at dirt-cheap prices may encounter difficulties.