

abbr. missile site radar 导弹发射场雷达; mineral surface roof 矿表顶板; mean spring rise 平均大潮升; mechanical strain recorder 机械冲击记录仪;


  • I do not know much about thorium MSR technology.
  • RPR ( Resilient Packet Ring ) and MSR ( Multi - Service Ring ) are the two newest MAN application scheme.
    弹性分组环 (RPR ) 、多业务环 ( MSR ) 就是其中最新的两种城域网解决方案.
  • Maude is learned , and the MSR prototype is studied and the improvements of it are proposed.
    5学习了Maude语言, 并对MSR原型 工具进行了分析与改进,并用改进的工具分析验证了NS协议.
  • In this experiment, nanocrystalline TiC, and TiC - dispersion - strengthened Cu - basecomposites have been prepared by MSR and MA methods.
    本实验利用MSR和MA技术制备了超细颗粒纳米晶 TiC 和用此TiC作增强相的弥散强化铜基复合材料.
  • MSR nearly eliminates this lucrative uranium market and runs by thorium conversion into uranium.
  • Send a few billion over to nuclear and we'd have a working MSR in less than two years according to Flibe Energy.