
msk ['em'esk'eɪ]

abbr. mission support kit 任务支援工具箱;


  • The characteristics of the UHF MSK burst - mode signal are analyzed.
    MSK 是一种性能优越的数字调制方式,本文对UHF频段MSK突发信号的特征进行了分析.
  • Analysis shows that this MSK spread spectrum communication system in the underwater acoustic channel is feasible.
    分析表明,采用相位比较差分解调和滑动相关捕获的MSK扩频系统 在水下声信道中的应用是可行的.
  • Objective : To research the value of CT in the diagnosis of medullary sponge kidney ( MSK ).
    目的: 探讨CT对髓质海绵肾的诊断价值.