
mpt ['emp'i:t'i:]

释义 [医][=alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine]α-甲基对酪氨酸;


  • Methods: Cross matching tests for 56 uraemia patients needed transfusion were performed by MGT and MPT.
    目的: 探讨微柱凝胶法(MGT)和凝聚胺法(MPT)在尿毒症患者交叉配血中的应用价值.
  • Determination of alkali earth metal by microwave plasma torch atomic emission spectrometry ( MPT AES ) was investigated.
    用微波等离子体炬原子发射光谱法 ( MPT-AES ) 测定了一些碱土金属元素.
  • At present, overseas MBS can be classified into four types: MBB, MPT, MTPB and CMO.
    目前在国外MBS的 主要类型有: 抵押贷款担保债券(MBB), 抵押贷款转移证券(MPT), 抵押贷款转付债券(MTPB) 和担保抵押债务证券(CMO)这四种.