
mote [moʊt]

n. 尘埃; 斑点;
复数:: motes


  • Within the postern stood Argantes stout To rescue her, if ill mote her betide.
    来自E. Fairfax
  • The small mote on her forehead distinguishes her from her twin sister.
  • Young children depend on context to pro - mote memory, and spontaneously report less.
    儿童依靠环境来促进记忆, 而他们能够自然表达出来的较少.
  • Blower be protected off mote , low noise , avoid mote drop in raw.
    隔尘、静音风机 、 间绝进入原料尘埃, 确保原料精纯度.
  • Why see the mote in thy brother's eye, but not the beam in thine own?
  • The mote in our neighbour's eye is invariably a reflection of the beam in our own.
    来自L. van der Post