" Rhodes, Morgenthau and Scott -- why, I know that house. over here on Fifth Avenue, isn't it?
“ 罗-摩斯公司 -- 那家商号我知道. 在第五大街那里, 是不是?
Morgenthau defends the decision to drop the jogger case.
In the end, with the president's approval, Morgenthau blinked.
最后, 在美国总统批准此事后, 摩根索只能睁一只眼闭一只眼.
Henry Morgenthau , the Treasury secretary , was sympathetic, as he considered the silver act a major headache.
时任美国财政部长 的亨利 ?摩根索(HenryMorgenthau)对此深表同情, 因为《购银法》也让他很是头疼.
Morgenthau, though, seems comfortable with his age.