
monger ['mʌŋgə]

n. 商人,贩子,中间人;
vt. 贩卖,传播;


  • This sadist, this power-monger, this refiner of cruelties.
    来自G. Swift
  • And you know who our champion rumour - monger is - Chao Po - tao !
    赵伯韬 惯会造谣言!
  • He was not a fame - monger , but merely one of God's mad lovers.
    他不是追名逐利之徒, 只不过是上帝的痴迷的情人而已.
  • The war - monger would sometimes posture for peace.
    战争贩子 有时也会装出主张和平的姿态.
  • My only fear is people will fancy me a verbal-inspiration-monger.
    来自C. Kingsley
  • He's a priest, a mystery-monger.
    来自V. Woolf