
misshapen [ˌmɪsˈʃeɪpən]

adj. 奇形怪状的,畸形的;
v. 歪曲( misshape的过去式和过去分词 );
[同义词] 畸形的;怪异的: disfigured deformed grotesque


  • She was misshapen; her belly, tight...and distended.
    来自J. Steinbeck
  • Her hands were misshapen by arthritis.
  • And what were the people around him but so many blurred, misshapen figures?
    在他周围的,不是变形了的轮廓模糊的人物 么 ?
  • He still took out the Jacka's letter, misshapen from pockets and soggy with sweat.
    他又从口袋里掏出这封皱巴巴的, 汗水浸湿的信.
  • Some federal courts have developed misshapen theories of a conspiracy.
    来自New York Review of Books
  • It may also be possible to see if your liver is enlarged or misshapen.