
misdirect [ˌmɪsdə'rekt]

vt. 给…指错方向;
过去式:: misdirected 过去分词:: misdirected 现在分词:: misdirecting 第三人称单数:: misdirects


  • Misdirect: Reach client guiding blame index site.
    误导: 将客户引导至非索引站点.
  • This has already be contrary to the fundamental at materialism, can produce misdirect to people again.
    这既有悖于唯物主义的基本原理, 又会对人们产生误导.
  • We are crossed by similar case misdirect, we also more or less misdirect crosses others.
    我们都被类似的情形误导过, 我们也都或多或少地误导过别人.
  • Why are you trying to misdirect this conversation into unrelated areas?
  • Myriad carve-outs, abatements, caveats and deductions shift incentives and misdirect capital.
  • Malleable Intelligence is true without a doubt, but don't misdirect your effort in an area where you have no natural talent.