
marmot [ˈmɑ:rmət]

n. 旱獭,土拨鼠;
复数:: marmots


  • Marmota himalayana is closely related to the woodchuck, the hoary marmot and the yellow-bellied marmot.
  • Such a cute marmot , no wander I like It'so much, hehe!
    如此可爱的土拨鼠, 难怪我会那么喜欢它, 呵呵!
  • In Heiligenblut, almost all the souvenir shops are selling the marmot toys.
    在海立根布鲁特, 几乎每家纪念品商店都出售土拨鼠玩具.
  • To survive as a lone marmot, you have to be tough.
    一只独立的土拨鼠要想能生存下去, 它必须要能经受住风风雨雨.
  • Finally, it was cruel and unnecessary to feed Giles's clever pet marmot, Twiggy, to my wolves.