
mannerly ['mænəlɪ]

adj. 有礼貌的;
[反义词] 有礼貌的;客气的: unmannerly


  • She was , to the end, a gentlewoman of the old school , gracious and mannerly.
    说到底, 她仍是一位温文尔雅 、 礼貌可嘉的守旧派的贵妇人.
  • Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this.
    志诚的香客, 别过分错怪你的对手, 这正是最恭敬的虔诚.
  • He became more judicious, more mannerly, more thoughtful, and eager to please.
    他变得更明事理 、 更有礼貌, 也更体贴人了.他也乐于讨人欢喜.
  • Some of us do not believe that we must use bad language and accusatory tones in our postings just be mannerly.
  • "I wondered if deciding to be perfectly mannerly at all times was a conscious decision," I say.
  • "It's up to you," she decided in the mannerly voice that she had used with his mother.