
mandala ['mændələ]

n. (佛教和印度教的)曼荼罗,坛场;
复数:: mandalas


  • In the previous section I interpreted Bhu - mandala as a planisphere map.
    在前一个部分,我解释了Bhu -mandala 是一个星座图.
  • This is the third of the four interpretations of Bhu - mandala .
    这是有关Bhu -mandala 四个解释中的第三个解释.
  • Thus Bhu - mandala does refer to something flat, but it's not the Earth.
    因此Bhu -mandala 的确提到了什么东西是平面的, 但所指的决非地球.
  • Friedman was the prose editor of Mandala, the school's literary journal.
  • In one bedroom stood a set of Shakespeare volumes with painstakingly hand-penned spines; on a wall, a painted Buddhist mandala.