The modeling method, process of the scene's formation and GUI lynx of Vega are explained.
介绍了利用Creator的 建模方法, 整个场景的生成过程,以及用Vega的图形界面Lynx和 它提供的函数来实现对整个场景的控制.
Could I take a look at that iron set ? Is it Lynx?
我可不可以看一看铁杆? 这是lynx牌 吗 ?
Used the LynX graphical interfaces, initialize ramble scene.
在LynX图形界面内, 初始化漫游场景.
Eurasian lynx The Eurasian lynx is the third largest predator in Europe after the brown bear and grey wolf.
It is the largest of the four lynx species and a strict carnivore, consuming one or two kilograms of meat every day.
We have a very large deck that we built ourselves, and I love to barbecue on my Lynx professional grill.