

abbr. Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital 分子最低空余轨道;


  • The LUMO of cations interact with the HOMO of anions to form ionic liquid molecules.
    烷基季铵盐阳离子的LUMO与 阴离子的HOMO相互作用形成离子液体.
  • The energy difference Δ E _ (( LUMO - HOMO )) of the molecular systems was employed to analyze the stability of isomers.
    并 根据 分子体系的能级差ΔE( LUMO -HOMO)判断了同分异构体的稳定性关系.
  • The bonding models of large π bond, hydrogen bond, HOMO and LUMO are discussed.
    讨论了大π键, 氢键, 最高占据轨道及最低空轨道的成键图像.