
lucubrate [ˈlukjʊˌbret]

vi. (尤指挑灯)攻读[写作]; 把心得书写成文;
过去式:: lucubrated 过去分词:: lucubrated 现在分词:: lucubrating 第三人称单数:: lucubrates


  • We can't analyze it with the dated ideas, and must lucubrate it with the newly ideas.
  • We summarize all the achievements accomplished, and expect how to lucubrate this problem.
    总结了本课题所取得的成绩, 并对课题进一步研究提出了展望.
  • In order to increase their capacity radically, the port enterprises have to lucubrate the management strategy.
    因此, 港口要从根本上提高企业的市场竞争力,就必须深入研究企业的经营战略.