
lowing ['loʊɪŋ]

n. 牛鸣;


  • The cattle are lowing in the barn.
  • Finally he started slowly, the wagon creaking and the cow lowing mournfully at every step.
    马终于慢吞吞地挪动了四蹄, 车轮吱吱嘎嘎地滚动,母牛跟在后面一步一声哀叫.
  • Then why do my ears ring with the lowing of oxen and the bleating of sheep?
  • The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea.
    来自T. Gray
  • A single calf in a pen, lowing wretchedly at regular intervals.
    来自A. Brink
  • We could hear the cows lowing..., a mellow sound at that distance.
    来自W. van T. Clark