
lop [lɑ:p]

vt. 砍伐; 剪(枝); 削减; (从…)砍掉;
n. 垂耳兔;
过去式:: lopped 过去分词:: lopped 现在分词:: lopping 第三人称单数:: lops


  • We won the first game by a lop - sided score of 15 to 2.
  • Who would marry a lop - sized ball man if they knew, right?
    谁会跟一个睾丸大小不一的人结婚, 对 吧 ?
  • Entry into CC 1 Control Room is restricted to LOP field operators and LOP day staff.
    对于LOP现场的操作人员和LOP的 日班工作人员进入CC1是严格限制的.
  • A few strokes of an axe will lop a cedar.
    来自S. Johnson
  • Many people of Lop Buri want to stay near their homes so they stay on the road.
  • I like to lop off the top of a whole bulb of garlic, and stuff it into the cavity with half a lemon and a fistful of thyme.