

n. 阁楼( loft的名词复数 ); (由工厂等改建的)套房; 上层楼面; 房间的越层;
v. 击、踢、掷高弧球( loft的第三人称单数 );


  • He lofts it into the air, and hugs his head in the deep secret embrace.
    他抬手甩了出去, 然后赶忙把头紧紧的抱了个密不透风.
  • Spring Loaded Bed Loft - Lofts bed, freeing up extra storage space underneath.
    弹性床铺抬高器 --- 抬高床铺, 释放更多床底下的空间.
  • Volcanic ash lofts from the source, the volcano, and diminishes as it move upward.
    火山灰会从其来源处, 即火山处升起飘出, 并在向上运动过程中减弱.
  • They also would have been bred to survive in really confined areas like lofts.
  • The lofts over the stable were used as a storing place for hay and straw.
    来自Pall Mall Gazette
  • But its corporate office towers have proven a tougher sell to startups accustomed to Dumbo lofts.