
legionnaire [ˌli:dʒəˈner]

n. 美国退伍军人协会会员,军团的士兵;


  • Air - conditioning ducts create a perfect Legionnaire's disease bacteria.
    空调系统 的输送管则是军团病细菌的绝佳温床.
  • When activated, the legionnaire becomes immune to damage or knockdown effects for a moderate time.
    当激活这个技能时, 军团哨兵在一定时间内对伤害或击倒效果免疫.
  • Through will alone, a legionnaire can become as implacable as the stone of the Deep Roads.
    仅凭借意志力, 一名军团成员可以变得如同深渊之路的岩石一样坚硬.
  • He cannot be a Legionnaire, and that really ticks me off.