
larky ['lɑ:kɪ]

adj. 爱闹玩的;


  • For all their gleeful, larky enjoyment wafting across the footlights like a blessing, these are serious virtuosi.
  • It's a very larky Nureyev whom we see - a buoyant imp who . cavorts in various disguises ( Arlene Croce )
    我们看到的是一个精力充沛的努里耶夫, ─ 个活泼好动的顽童,扮演各种欢快的角色 ( 阿勒尼克罗齐 )
  • The filmmakers replace characterization with larky pop - culture and associations ( David Denby ).
    制片人们用愚蠢的大众文化范畴来替代影片的人物创造 ( 戴维·登比 ).
  • The filmmakers replace characterization with larky pop - culture references and associations ( David Denby )
    制片人们用愚蠢的大众文化范畴来替代影片的人物创造 ( 戴维登比 )