
kumquat [ˈkʌmkwɑ:t]

n. 金橘,金钱橘树;


  • The kumquat is among a variety of tropical plants in the sunroom Kassinger calls her conservatory.
  • Meanwhile, for the pork and kumquat reduction, heat a large pan until hot, add the butter, shallot, garlic, thyme and kumquats.
  • People like to eat or preserve fresh kumquat that is big, sweet and sour.
    本公司选取的金桔果实个大质优 、 甜适口,色泽金黄.
  • Kumquat produced in GuangXi has special flavour heat, treat and clear sore throat and cure indigestion.
    广西金桔风味独特,具有清热解毒 、 嗓润肺,可治咽喉疼痛、化不良等疾症,是天然的绿色保健果品.
  • I can surmise that sight and touch may add influence though I doubt very much I can hear a kumquat under most conditions.