
knight-errant ['naɪt'erənt]

n. 侠客; 有侠义心肠的人; (中世纪的)游侠骑士:漫无目的浪游四方; 寻求冒险;
复数:: knights-errant


  • Centre by Dean Moxey, clearance by Zat Knight.
  • Could I waylay some knight...mounted on an ambling pad?
    来自T. H. White
  • She had worked for Dr Knight for ten years.
  • Her that group of actors, also does not have the knight - errant makings slightly!
    她手下的那帮演员, 也丝毫没有武侠气质 啊 !
  • After the movie Ashes of Time, later such new - version knight - errant films gradually declined.
    《东邪西毒》之后, 新 武侠 电影开始走下坡路.
  • In the 21 st century, there appeared some knight - errant films which attempted to reverse the declining tendency.
    新世纪出现了几部试图挽回武侠电影颓势的影片, 这些影片有其共同特点.