
jiggle [ˈdʒɪɡəl]

vt.& vi. 轻摇,抖动;
vt. 坐立不安;
n. 轻摇;
过去式:: jiggled 过去分词:: jiggled 现在分词:: jiggling 第三人称单数:: jiggles


  • Carry the cup carefully and don't jiggle it, or you'll spill the coffee.
    把杯子小心端好,别摇晃, 否则会把咖啡溅出来的.
  • You didn't mean to jiggle me, did you ?
    你并不想跟我捣乱, 是 吗 ?
  • If we jiggle the cork, a new phenomenon is involved.
    “假如我们晃动木塞, 就会产生一个新的现象.
  • Jiggle the bowl in a flat, circular motion, until the rice forms a ball of its own.
  • But the road was too narrow, and seeing that he could go no farther he began to jiggle the loose gearshift.
  • If one erased too hard, the table would jiggle and spoil the other's line.