
jabber ['dʒæbər]

vi. 急切而含混不清地说; 急促兴奋地说话;
过去式:: jabbered 过去分词:: jabbered 现在分词:: jabbering 第三人称单数:: jabbers


  • Listen to the jabber of those monkeys.
  • Don't talk on and on [ jabber away ] when you can say it in a few words.
    两句话能说完的事就别犯 碎嘴子 了.
  • He began to protest, to jabber of his right of entry.
    他开始抗议, 唠叨不休地说他有进来的权力.
  • Friends would come over...to jabber and gossip about all the excitement.
    来自New Yorker
  • These last two columns show the kind of inconsequential jabber that illustrate your decline.
  • If the Republicans begin to jabber about the abstract and theoretical, they will find the public has little appetite for it.