
inveigh [ɪnˈve]

vi. 猛烈抨击,痛骂,谩骂;
过去式:: inveighed 过去分词:: inveighed 现在分词:: inveighing 第三人称单数:: inveighs


  • She would...inveigh against those women who...seek notoriety in print.
    来自E. M. Forster
  • A lot of his writings inveigh against luxury and riches.
  • The poisons generated by remorse inveigh against the system, and eventually produce marked physical deterioration.
    由悔恨产生的毒素侵袭着身体组织, 最终造成明显的体质恶化.
  • The detective had, indeed, good reasons to inveigh against the bad luck which pursued him.
    说实在话, 一点也不能怪费克斯咒骂他一再碰上的坏运气.
  • Its proponents now inveigh against what they call the myth of uniqueness and elegance.