
innards [ˈɪnərdz]

n. 内脏;


  • To mend this engine I'll have to have its innards out.
  • " It's mah notion dat'twarn't de Yankees whut beat our gempmum.'Twuz dey own innards.
    " 据俺看,打垮咱们部队的不是北方佬, 倒是咱们自家的肚肠.
  • When we go through, they can see our bones and innards?
    我们过去的时候, 他们可以看到我们的骨头和内脏 吗 ?
  • I saw her...curious and scornful expression that wrung out my innards.
    来自R. H. Morrieson
  • He...stared into the piano, as if making an inventory of its innards.
    来自E. Blishen
  • The bass comes on like a big voracious worm intent on snaffling your innards.