
inhibitive [ɪn'hɪbɪtɪv]

adj. 禁止的,抑制的;


  • OBJECTIVE To discuss the inhibitive activity of proteinase of hypoxic cells radiosensitizer.
  • It's a two - component , reinforced etch primer, containing phosphoric acid and corrosion - inhibitive pigments.
    一种含有磷酸和 防腐蚀 颜料的双组份加强型磷化底漆.
  • While the mixture of Ni ~ ( 2 + ) , Cu ~ ( 2 + ) , Zn ~ ( 2 + ) and that of Co ~ ( 2 + ) , Ni ~ ( 2 + ) had inhibitive effect on cellulase.
    当Ni2+、 Cu2 + 、 Zn2+3种离子, Co2 +、 Ni2 +2种离子混合共同作用于反应时, 表现出抑制作用.