Crimes of passion seem to be popular material for TV infotainment programs.
冲动杀人似乎是娱乐性新闻节目受欢迎的题材. 来自互联网
Main Idea: Magazine layouts will be used for infotainment sites.
核心创意: 杂志版式风格会被用于信息娱乐类网站! 来自互联网
A cultural and infotainment with various Macao TV programmes including cultural feature style, documentary and entertainment.
综合澳门各电视台的节目,介绍澳门文化及娱乐资讯,包括文化特辑、潮流 、 纪录片及娱乐等综合性节目. 来自互联网
Under the gear shifter, we see the dial that controls the COMAND infotainment system.
根据齿轮变速器, 我们看到拨号控制驾驶室管理信息系统. 来自互联网
The newspaper must include infotainment, ideological content, interesting so that it will be printed most.
如果报纸想得以大量发行,则必须具有知识性 、 思想性和趣味性. 来自互联网