
improvident [ɪmˈprɑ:vɪdənt]

adj. 无远见的; 浪费的; 目光短浅;


  • I wonder he should be so improvident in a point of such common, such natural , concern!
    我不相信他对于这样平平常常 、 屡见不鲜的利害关系如此缺乏先见之明!
  • We ought not to go jogging along , improvident, incompetent, waiting for something to turn up.
    我们不应该不顾未来,毫无办法地凑合着过下去, 等待着新的事情发生.
  • Her improvident speech at the meeting has set a stone rolling.
  • Parliament...was eager for war, improvident in preparation, and resentful in paying for it.
    来自W. S. Churchill