
imprison [ɪmˈprɪzən]

vt. 关押,监禁; 束缚,禁锢; 使…不自由;
过去式:: imprisoned 过去分词:: imprisoned 现在分词:: imprisoning 第三人称单数:: imprisons
[同义词] 监禁: confine lock incarcerate up jail
[反义词] 监禁: liberate free


  • You can lock up a person physically, but you cannot imprison his heart.
    人的身体可以被囚禁, 人的心却不可以.
  • There are thunderous explosions, fierce solar winds, and forces so strong that they imprison even light.
    有雷鸣般的爆炸和猛烈的太阳风, 威力之大,甚至能阻碍光的传播.
  • Imprison your mash in a dark vat, so it can become wine.
    将你的乱七八糟的东西关进一个黑暗的大缸里, 所以它能够变成酒.
  • Generally imprison people who go against the current the religious leaders opinion.
  • How can anyone be barbaric enough to imprison a woman like that?
  • Now gapes the graves, and through their yawnes let loose Imprison'd spirits.
    来自J. Marston