
imperturbably [ˌɪmpəˌtɜ:bəblɪ]

adv. 泰然地,镇静地,平静地;


  • She was excellently, imperturbably good; affectionate, docile, obedient , and much addicted to speaking the truth.
    她绝对善良, 脾气也好到了极点; 温柔 、 谦和 、 恭顺一贯爱说真话.
  • We could face imperturbably the and find out the best countermeasure only iffind the real origin.
  • A roar of indignationleapt to Pockmarked Li's lips, but a wave the hand and said imperturbably.
    屠维岳突然摆一摆手,制止了李麻子的已经到了嘴边的怒吼, 却冷冷地问道.