
hypha ['haɪfə]

n. 菌丝;


  • Both hypha and haustorial mother cell were dikaryotic, while the typical mature haustorium was mono - karyotic.
    胞间菌丝和吸器母细胞均含有双核, 而成熟吸器则含有单核.
  • The antifungal mechanism of Trichoderma is varied, including antibiotic, dissolve hypha, parasitism and competition.
    木霉菌的作用机制多种多样, 包括产生抗生素、重寄生作用 、 溶菌作用、竞争作用等.
  • Conidia are cut off externally in chains at the apex of a specialized hypha, the conidiophore.
    分生孢子是由分生孢子囊梗的顶端或侧面产生的一种不动孢子, 借气流或动物传播的.