
hooch [hutʃ]

n. (非法酿造的或便宜的)酒;


  • Some of those bowlegged country boys, you give 'em a little hooch and they're like redskins want to scalp everything in sight.
  • Hermione Granger : Harry, no way ! You heard what Madam Hooch said.
    赫敏·格兰杰说道: 哈利, 不行!难道你没有听到Hooch女士说的么?
  • Madam Hooch : Come back down this instant! Everyone out of the way!
    胡奇夫人: 立刻给我下来! 大家全都让开!
  • Paul: They're got swell hooch here. They even wash the glasses.
    保罗: 他们卖酒, 连酒杯都洗得干干净净.
  • From tipsy tree shrews to drunken monkeys, the primate lineage crawls with critters getting high off the hooch.
  • She and another writer went off to the liquor store to purchase some hooch to make drinks for the group.