
hackman ['hækˌmæn]

n. 出租汽车司机,出租马车车夫;
复数:: hackmen


  • Gordon: Hackman has been a Hollywood bigwig for more than 40 years.
    戈登: 海克曼在好来坞走红已经四十多年了.
  • Jack: Let's take review at Gene Hackman's life and career.
    杰克: 让我们来复习复习吉恩·海克曼的生平吧.
  • She was waiting line drop off 15 - year - old Tyler and 11 - year - old Daniel Hackman.
    她正在列队等待送15 岁 的泰勒和11 岁 的丹尼尔海克曼下车.
  • Hackman and Dafoe, above, play two FBI agents employed to investigate the disappearances of three civil rights activists.
  • Hackman makes him jolly, rancorous, and sadistic a man completely without honor who later beats Munny's pal Ned Logan to death.
  • Oddly, the funniest performer here is Gene Hackman, playing an aggressively straight, family-values-spouting politician.