
guerdon ['gɜ:dən]

n. 报酬,奖赏;
vt. 给报酬,奖赏;
复数:: guerdons


  • The true conjurer finds his guerdon in the consciousness of work done perfectly.
    来自M. Beerbohm
  • But peace of mind - that is his final guerdon of approval , the fondest insignia of his love.
    但宁静的心境才是?允诺的最后赏赐, 是?爱心的最佳指标.
  • But peace of mind - that is His final guerdon of approval, the fondest sign of His love.
    只有平静的心境,是他给予的最终奖赏, 是他最钟情的爱的像征.