
guardsman [ˈgɑ:rdzmən]

n. 卫兵; (英)禁卫军官兵; (美)国民警卫队士兵;
复数:: guardsmen


  • The Guardsman is a romantic comedy written in 1911 by Hungarian Ferenc Molnar.
  • I am Guardsman Valleroy , adjutant to Lt . Mumphreys.
    我是守卫瓦罗瑞, 马姆利少尉的副官.
  • Ok, I know the Lieutenant. What can I do for you, Guardsman Valleroy?
    好吧, 我认识那少尉. 我能为你做什么, 守卫瓦罗瑞?
  • His young Life-guardsman, for whom he seemed to have taken a special favour.
    来自Sir W. Scott
  • Another guardsman, Lance Corporal Wayne Golding, described his unit as being in a "360 degrees firefight".