
guanosine ['gwɑnəˌsin]

n. 鸟苷,鸟嘌呤核苷(一种由鸟嘌呤和核糖组成的核糖苷);


  • The water - soluble guanosine in Pinellia ternate cultivated is similar to that in Pinellia ternate wiled.
    从 水溶性 成分鸟嘌呤核苷的含量看,种植半夏质量并不比野生半夏质量差;半夏在炮制过程中水溶性成分有所损失.
  • Guanosine contents of Pinellia Rhizoma in the different habitats and the processed were determined by RP - HPLC.
    摘要采用 反相 高效液相色谱法测定不同生境半夏和炮制半夏中鸟嘌呤核苷的含量.
  • Objective To analyze the content of guanosine in wild Rhizoma Pinelliae Thunb. Breit.
    目的对南京产野生半夏进行鸟苷的含量分析, 以评价其质量.