
globalize [ˈgloʊbəlaɪz]

vt. (使)全球化,全世界化;
过去式:: globalized 过去分词:: globalized 现在分词:: globalizing 第三人称单数:: globalizes


  • As the world becomes more complex, some things do, of course, standardize and globalize.
  • Should we globalize aspects of a brand: its name, its creative concept and the product itself?
    我们是否应该全球化品牌的各个方面: 名字, 理念还是产品本身?
  • Under the globalize background, how to bring into play to the function of rural education better?
    在全球化背景下, 怎样更好地发挥农村教育的功能?
  • As all these processes globalize, we assume a lot of these negative messages are traveling with those.