
furrowing ['fʌroʊɪŋ]

v. 犁田,开沟( furrow的现在分词 );


  • In spring, farmers are busy furrowing the fields.
    春天, 农民忙于犁地.
  • The gasoline's machine is used for mowing, flooding , furrowing, every kind of machine power supply.
    我公司为农机产品开发的动力源, 该产品主要是用于收 、 、 、等机械.
  • There was no appearance of concentration, no furrowing of the brow - only a placid inner communion.
    看不出他在集中精力想什么问题, 眉头也没有皱起来,只是很平静的内心的交流.
  • Furrowing his brow as he becomes more reflective, the pianist suggests that growing older plays an inevitable part, too.
  • "Furrowing her brow, she peered at the handwritten price tag on the bottom: "One thousand five hundred liras.
  • "Kayaking," Slimane said, furrowing his brow as if neither the word nor the deed had ever occurred to him.