

abbr. Fiber Reinforced Rubber 纤维增强橡胶;


  • Dispensaries in village were major origin of fail - to - report cases and their FRR were highest ( 100 % ).
    就诊漏报以村级 ( 私人诊所 ) 医院所占比重最大,漏报率也最高,为100%.
  • Diseases , whose RIR and FRR are relatively high, are Measles, Dysentery and Viral Hepatities.
    发现率和漏报率均较高的病种是麻疹 、 痢疾、病毒性肝炎.
  • Conclusion: FRR can relax isolated rabbit aorta, which may be endothelium - dependent and is relate to NO.
    结论: 玫瑰花水煎剂可使血管平滑肌扩张, 此作用有内皮依赖性,与NO有关.