
fobt ['fəbt]

abbr. fecal occult-blood test 便潜血试验;


  • Immunochemical FOBT is now largely replacing the older test.
  • CONCLUSIONS: Quantitatie immunochemical FOBT has good sensitiity and specificity for detection of clinically significant neoplasia.
    结论: 定量免疫化学法的FOBT对于筛查临床上明显形成的肿瘤有着很好的敏感度和特异度.
  • Automated - development, immunochemical FOBT is quality - controlled, is specific for human hemoglobin, and does not require diet restriction.
    随着自动化的发展, 免疫化学法的FOBT是有质量控制的, 而且对于人血红蛋白特异性比较高, 还不需要限制饮食.
  • In the setting of an isolated positive FOBT, colonoscopy is indicated as the first test.
    只有单独的大便隐血试验阳性情况下, 结肠镜作为首选的检查方法是有适应征的.
  • In Scotland, adults aged 60-74 are sent an FOBt kit every two years.