
fmt ['ef'emt'i:]

释义 [医][=fasiculus mammillothalamicus](拉)乳头丘脑束;


  • Secondly, there is serious intersymbol interference ( ISI ) in FMT system.
    再者, FMT系统 中的滤波组不满足理想重构条件,所以导致严重的ISI, 故需要检测和纠正因信道衰落和码 间干扰 导致的信息传输错误,提高系统的误比特性能.
  • Filtered Multitone ( FMT ) Modulation is a new multicarrier technology in contrast to OFDM.
    滤波多音频 ( FMT ) 技术相对于OFDM是一种新兴的多载波技术.
  • It is proved that triple implication algorithm is P - reductive with respect to FMP and FMT models.
    本文借助剩余格上的剩余型蕴涵算子的性质,讨论FMP与FMT模型三算法及其P - 还原性.