
floriferous [flɒ'rɪfərəs]

adj. (种子或植物)多花的;


  • Holly tolerates shade but only becomes dense and floriferous in full sun.
  • Single dark blue - violet, one or more per peduncle, very floriferous.
    单瓣深蓝至紫罗兰色花, 每个节有一甚至更多的花梗, 很会开花.
  • Usually the more basal and terminal nodes are less floriferous, or not at all.
    通常越近基部或顶端的节上花芽越少, 或根本没有.
  • Single small dark purple, 5 - 8 per peduncle, very floriferous.
    单瓣暗深紫色小花, 每支花梗开5-8朵花, 非常会开花.
  • Well, with these floriferous plants it's far more of a flowering marathon than a fleeting sprint, so no one's going to miss out.