
expanders [ɪks'pændəz]

n. 使增大者,使身体健壮的强身器具( expander的名词复数 );


  • Air outer - penetration phenomenon of expanders was found, but without harmful appearance.
    扩张过程中有气体外透现象, 未发现有害表现.
  • Now please give me ten dumb - bells, three chest - expanders and six chronographs.
    好,请给我拿10个哑铃, 3个拉力器,6块跑表.
  • The grading capacitor chiefly consists of body, metal expanders, impregnant and porcelain bushing.
    断路器电容器由器身 、 扩张器 、 浸渍剂和瓷套等零部件构成.
  • The third operation involved using tissue expanders to stretch and grow new skin.