
exoteric [ˌeksə'terɪk]

adj. 外面的; 外界的; 一般人所能理解的; 开放的;
n. 公开的教义;


  • Many angles, exoteric and esoteric, many connections.
  • A market surely exists for an exoteric study of Wittgenstein's notoriously recondite ideas.
    来自Times Literary Supplement
  • The nonlinear kinetic characters of landslip action are complex, exoteric and dissipated.
    滑坡行为表现为复杂的 、 开放的和耗散的非线性动力学演化特徵.
  • Through exoteric and esoteric sources, we know that the Nazarene Master fulfilled his spiritual mission successfully.
    通过开放和深奥的来源, 我们知道,拿撒勒硕士履行他的精神使命成功.
  • This system has uniform call flow, exoteric system interface and uniform protocol standard.
    该系统具有统一的呼叫流程, 开放的系统接口和统一的信令标准.