
evince [ɪˈvɪns]

vt. 表明,标示;
过去式:: evinced 过去分词:: evinced 现在分词:: evincing 第三人称单数:: evinces


  • The pleasantness of an employment does not always evince its propriety.
    来自J. Austen
  • She at last condescended to evince awareness of his proximity.
  • Thirdly, Live life without fear, confront all obstacles and evince that you can overcome them.
    第三, 活着,便不要畏惧, 要勇于面对一切生活的磨难,并且表明你能够克服他们.
  • For people of a certain age, such anecdotes might evince something like nostalgia.
    对于某个年龄层的人, 像这样的轶事令人有怀旧的感觉.
  • Fieldwork evince seriousness, displaying a music full of change and vigour.
  • But that the Beast that was, and is not, is not the Devil, we shall now evince by other arguments.
    来自Henry More